Remain Nameless Achievements
After a success in Street qualifiers 2017 we travelled back up North to the Nationals in 2018 where our competitors made it through to semis and finals in various categories with various placings. Notably, Max Anderson became national solo champion in his category and national doubles champion with his duo partner Samuel Terry. They were the youngest in their category.
2018 saw RN with a bigger squad hit the qualifiers again. This time both teams XLR8 and Remain Nameless placed 1st in their categories and qualified to represent South East Area in the Nationals 2019. Various other soloists, pairs and quads placed in finals to secure their place at the Nationals too. Stoke 2019 saw Max Anderson become National Solo Champion again and Pairs Champion with Samuel Terry for a second year in a row and they both placed 4th in quads alongside Emily Burr and Molly Knight. Samuel Terry also placed in solos alongside Chloe Cooles who reached every final in her age category coming 6th in her pairs with her partner Madison Callan, 6th in solo and 5th in quads with Mia Hayes and Freya Lee. George Hardey and Emily Burr placed 3rd in pairs for their category. Remain Nameless team placed 3rd in their first ever National Comp together and XLR8 became National Champions once again.
After successfully auditioning for a 20 minute performance slot through Take Us 2 The Magic performance platform, 21 members of RN travelled to DisneyLand Paris in April 2019 to fulfil one of Keely and Stacey’s long time dreams. After months of rehearsals, blood, sweat and tears the day had finally arrived to settle down in the Hotel Cheyenne for a life changing experience. Alongside family members and friends the troupe explored both parks, took advantage of the amusements, watched the firework spectacular, had breakfast with Disney characters, absorbed the Parade and this was all on the first full day!
Performance day arrived and fully dressed in uniform, we were greeted by David our Take Us 2 The Magic co-ordinator and introduced to the Disney Performing Arts team. Taken to the Videopolis Theatre in a bid to block out our pieces on stage and view our dressing rooms, we were then released back into the park for an hour of fun before Showtime. The performance attracted an international audience of around 3,000 people and ran smoothly from start to finish with the adrenaline and support from both performers and their family spectators. The sheer delight on everyone’s face was overwhelming and definitely the reason we would consider repeating this opportunity.